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Mantras in Meditation
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Mantras in Meditation: The Top 30 Sacred Chants for Deepening Your Experience

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We will discuss the mantras in meditation and the power of Sanskrit mantras, transcendental mantras, Kundalini mantras, Yoga mantras, Buddhist mantras, and charka mantras. Mantras are powerful words or phrases that can be used to achieve certain goals while doing meditation mantras. There are many different types of mantras in meditation, and each one has its own unique purpose. We will also explore the benefits of using these mantras in your daily life!

Mantras in Meditation

Mantras are simply words or phrases that we say to ourselves over and over again in meditation. They can be helpful in focusing the mind and creating a sense of calm. By using mantras, we can train our minds to reject distractions and cultivate positive thoughts. Here is the list of all the popular mantras in meditation to get you started!

The audio player consists of all the mantras in meditation discussed in this article. You can understand the type, meaning, and benefits of each mantra by doing meditation with mantras by reading our article. Select your mantra and start to meditate now.

Vedic Sanskrit mantra

Sanskrit words are said to be able to transcend time and space and connect us with the divine. Vedic Sanskrit mantras have been used for centuries by yogis and sages to achieve self-realization, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation.

There are many different mantras in meditation that belong to Vedic Sanskrit mantras, each with its own unique purpose. The most popular and well-known Vedic Sanskrit mantra is the Gayatri Mantra.

1. Gayathri mantra

The Gayatri Mantra is a powerful Vedic Sanskrit mantra that is said to be able to transcend time and space. It is used for spiritual protection, purification, and self-development. This mantra is also said to be the most powerful of all mantras in meditation.

The Gayatri Mantra is composed of three parts: the Gayatri, the Chandas, and the Maha Gayatri. The Gayatri is the main part of the mantra, and it consists of twenty-four syllables. The Chandas is a shorter version of the Gayatri, and it consists of only eight syllables. The Maha Gayatri is the longest and most powerful version of the mantra, and it consists of thirty-two syllables.

2. Ganesha Mantra

One of the most popular and powerful mantras in Hinduism. It is believed that this mantra has the power to remove all obstacles and bring success in all undertakings. The Ganesha Mantra is also known as the Ganapati Mantra or the Vighneshvara Mantra. It is chanted to invoke the blessings of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god who is the remover of obstacles.

This mantra is usually chanted at the beginning of any new venture or undertaking as it is believed to bring good luck and success. Chanting the Ganesha Mantra is a simple way to invoke the blessings of Lord Ganesha and create positive energy for success in all undertakings.

Read our full article on Ganesha Mantras to unlock your wisdom and success.

3. Lakshmi Mantra

The Lakshmi Mantra is a sacred and powerful mantra that has been used for centuries by Hindus all over the world. This mantra is chanted to invoke the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune.

The Lakshmi Mantra can be chanted anytime, anywhere. However, it is best to chant the mantra during the auspicious time of Diwali, the festival of lights. The mantra is also believed to bring peace, harmony, and happiness to the life of the devotee.

4. Vishnu Mantra

Vishnu mantra is said to be very effective for attracting wealth, health, and happiness. It is also said to be helpful in removing negative energy and attracting positive energy.

The Vishnu mantra is as follows:

“Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”

This mantra can be chanted anytime, anywhere to invoke Lord Vishnu. It is best to chant it in the morning after taking a bath.

5. Saraswathi Mantra

Saraswathi Mantra is the one of popular mantras in meditation among children that can help to achieve success in anything we do and helps improve our memory power and concentration. This Saraswathi Mantra should be chanted 108 times daily, either in the morning or evening to invoke Goddess Saraswati.

Preferably, it should be chanted after taking a bath. We can also chant this mantra while doing our daily activities, such as during work or study. This mantra is very simple and easy to remember.

“Om Aim Kleem Saraswathyei Namaha”

“I bow to Goddess Saraswathi, who is the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom.”

Transcendental Mantras

The chanting of transcendental mantras is a process of self-purification and self-transformation. It is a means to cleanse the mind and heart of all impurities and negativity and to awaken the spiritual consciousness within. The power of these mantras in meditation can help us to break free from the limitations of our ego, and connect with our higher self.

How to do transcendental Meditation

When we chant mantras in transcendental meditation with sincere devotion and intention, we open ourselves up to receive its blessings. The vibrations of the mantra can help to align our energy with that of the divine and bring us into a state of harmony and balance. As we connect with the higher frequencies of these sacred sounds, we can begin to experience a sense of peace and well-being. Let’s go through the transcendental meditation list of mantras.

6. Aham Prema

The most powerful and popular transcendental mantras. It is a declaration of our divine nature and a reminder that we are all made of love. This mantra can help us to connect with our higher self, and experience the love and light within.

Chanting ‘Aham Prema’ is a simple but profound practice that can help us to connect with our true nature. By repeating these sacred words, we can begin to let go of the false beliefs and limitations that keep us from experiencing our highest potential.

7. Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya is a chant that is used as a form of devotion to the Hindu god Shiva. It is one of the most popular mantras in Hinduism and is also considered to be one of the most powerful. The chant can be used for a variety of purposes, such as helping to purify the mind and body, promoting healing, attracting abundance, and increasing willpower.

While the chant can be chanted alone, it is often used in conjunction with other chanting or meditative practices. No matter how it is used, the power of Om Namah Shiva lies in its ability to connect us with the great divine wisdom of lord Shiva.

8. Aum Om

Aum or om is a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. It is also a mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism. The mantra is considered to be the supreme sound of the universe. Aum is often said to represent the divine energy or life force that pervades everything in the universe.

In Hinduism, it is used as a salutation to various deities, as well as an opening and closing chant in rituals. Om is also associated with the concept of Akasha, or “inner space.” In Buddhism, it is used as a meditation practice for developing mindfulness and concentration. Jains use it as a greeting and farewell, as well as during worship.

9. Om Gam Ganapatye Namah

This mantra invokes the great energy of Lord Ganesha. This powerful deity is known as the remover of Obstacles and can help us to overcome any challenges that we may face in our lives. By chanting this mantra with sincerity and devotion, we can connect with the energy of Lord Ganesha and receive his blessings and creative wisdom.

No matter what challenges we may be facing in our lives, we can always turn to the energy of Lord Ganesha for guidance on our spiritual path and support similar to what we are getting from a divine teacher. By chanting om gam Ganapati Namah, we open ourselves up to receive his blessings and true wisdom. With his help, we can move forward on our own life paths with confidence and grace.

10. Hare Krishna

hare krishna
krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rāma rāma hare hare

The Hare Krishna movement began in the 16th century in India with the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as traditionally defined. The movement was based on the principles of bhakti-yoga, or the yoga of devotion, and its goal was to promote the love of Krishna or God.

The Hare Krishnas are best known for their public chanting and their distinctive yellow and saffron robes. They also follow a strict vegetarian diet and promote simple living, well-being, and high standards of morality. Today, there are Hare Krishna temples and centers all over the world, and the movement has hundreds of thousands of followers in the entire world.

Kundalini mantra

The Kundalini mantra is a powerful tool for self-transformation and self-knowledge. By reciting this kundalini yoga mantra daily, you can open yourself up to experience higher states of consciousness. The Kundalini mantra is said to awaken the sleeping Kundalini energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine.

This energy is often referred to as the ‘serpent power, and it is believed to be the source of our spiritual potential. This awakening energy can rise up through the chakras and lead to profound states of enlightenment.

These common mantras in meditation can help to clear away any blockages that are preventing this energy from flowing freely. As a result, regular yoga practice of this yoga mantra can lead to greater physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

11. Ad Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh,Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh

kundalini mantra
kundalini mantra source:

Ad Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, and Siri Guru Devay Nameh are some of the most powerful and transformative that I have ever spoken about. The meaning of this is “I bow to the Primal Wisdom, the wisdom of the Ages, the True Wisdom, and the Great Enlightened One,” which has helped me to connect with my highest self and to live my life with purpose and meaning.

Whenever I recite these terms, I am filled with a deep sense of peace and calm. And, as I move through life’s challenges, I know that I am never truly alone; I always have access to the highest wisdom within me. These mantras in meditation are a daily reminder for me to live my life with intention and to trust in the guidance of my innermost wisdom.

12. Ong namo, guru dev namo

Ong namo guru dev namo is a sacred mantra used in Kundalini Yoga. It translates to “I bow to the creative wisdom, I bow to the teacher within.” This mantra is used as a tool to connect with the higher self, and it is believed to promote spiritual growth and awakening.

The chant can be done either silently or aloud, and it is typically repeated multiple times. The key is to focus on the meaning of the words and to feel the energy of the mantra flow through the body. The Ong namo guru dev namo mantra is a powerful way to connect with your higher purpose and access your true potential.

Chanting this yoga mantra can help us to connect with our higher selves, and live more fully in the present moment. It is a yoga practice that can help us to experience greater joy, peace, and fulfillment in our lives.

13. Ek ong kar sat nam siri wha hay guru

Ek ong kar sat nam siri wha hay guru is a sacred sound and kundalini mantra in Sikhism. It translates to “There is one creator, truth is his name, greatness is his essence, and he is the one Guru.

This mantra is often recited during meditation or prayer, and it is believed to bring peace, happiness, and strength. Ek ong kar sat nam siri wha hay guru is a reminder that we are all connected to the one creator, and that we are all made of the same truth and love. This mantra is a powerful tool for connecting with our higher selves and finding inner peace.

14. Sat Nam

Sat Nam means “truth is my identity.” It is a sacred mantra used in Kundalini yoga, and it is believed to have the power to transform your life. The practice of sat nam involves repeating the mantra as you breathe in and out.

The goal of transcendental mantras in meditation is to clear your mind of all thoughts so that you can focus on the present moment. As you repeat the mantra, you may also visualize celestial light entering your body and filling you with peace and love. The practice of Sat Nam can be done anywhere, at any time. It is a simple way to bring more peace and presence into your life.

15. Sat Naraian Wahay Guru Haree Naraian Sat Nam

Sat Narayan Wahe Guru Haree Narayan Sat Nam. These terms, commonly spoken by Sikhs during meditation, can be translated to mean “Truth is Eternal, God is Great,ੴ is Truth.” The word ੴ, known as Ek Onkaar, is a key part of the Sikh faith.

It appears at the beginning of all Sikh prayers and represents the oneness of God. For Sikhs, Ek Onkaar is a reminder that despite the many forms that God takes, there is only one God that pervades all of existence.

By meditating on this mantra, Sikhs can connect with the divine presence within them and experience the peace and joy that comes from knowing the truth of who they are.

Yoga mantra

The sound of the yoga mantra (Adi mantra) is said to be very powerful. The vibrations of this sound are said to help align our seven chakras and connect us with the divine spirit that flows through all things. The Adi mantra is often used as a tool in the context of the mantras in meditation, helping us to focus our minds and quiet our thoughts.

The repetition of the mantra is said to help us reach a state of inner peace and stillness. In addition to its meditative benefits, the mantra can develop as a tool for physical and mental healing. The next time you practice yoga, try incorporating the mantra into your practice. You may be surprised at the supreme being of its simple sound.

16. Yogena Chittasya

The yogena chittasya mantra is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. The mantra invokes the sage Patanjali, who is considered the father of yoga. Patanjali gifts us the medicinal powers to purify our minds and the power of speech to express ourselves uninhibitedly.

The yogena chittasya chant helps us to connect with our highest selves and to access our innate wisdom and creativity. When we recite the mantra, we are tapping into a vast storehouse of knowledge and healing spirit.

Yogena Chittasya Padena Vacha

Malam Sharirasya Cha Vaidya Kena

Yopakarotham Pravaram Muninam

Patanjalim Pranjali Ranatosmi

17. Surya Namaskar Mantra

Surya Namaskar, also known as the “Sun Salutation,” is a popular yoga practice that dates back thousands of years. The meaning of “Namaskar” comes from the Sanskrit root “namas,” which means “to bow or revere.” The practice involves a series of 12 poses, each of which is aligned with a different mantra from yoga mantras in meditation.

“Om Mitraaya Namaha,” pays tribute to the friendship-giving sun go.

“Om Ravaye Namaha,” honors the sun’s ability to nourish and sustain life.

“Om Suryaya Namaha,” pays homage to the sun’s power and brightness.

“Om Bhanave Namaha,” acknowledges the sun’s ability to bring light and clarity into our lives.

“Om Khagaya Namaha,” recognizes the sun’s role in giving us the energy we need to meet our goals.

“Om Pooshne Namaha,” pays tribute to the sun’s ability to nourish and support us.

“Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha,” honors the sun’s role.

18. Durge Smrita Harasi Mantra

The Durge Smrita Harasi Mantra is a powerful mantra that can help to protect and cleanse your body and energy field. The mantra is based on the goddess Durge, who is known as the destroyer of negativity. The chant itself means “I bow to the goddess who destroys negativity.”

By chanting this mantra, you can tap into Durge’s power to protect yourself from negative energy and cleanse your aura. The mantra can be chanted any time you feel you need protection or cleansing, or it can be chanted on a regular basis as part of your daily spiritual practice and unbounded consciousness.

19. Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya

Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya is a Sanskrit mantra that is often translated as “Lead me from unreal to real.” The mantra is one of the most well-known and widely used in Hindu tradition. It is often recited as a part of religious rituals and ceremonies, and it is also a popular choice and compassion for meditative practices.

The mantra is believed to bring about a sense of peace and revitalization, and it is often used as a tool for self-transformation. The meaning of the mantra rests in its ability to help individuals move from a state of illusion and ignorance to a state of truth and enlightenment.

20. Wah Yantee

The Dine’ people of the American Southwest have a saying, “Wah Yantee,” which means, “Harmony is Power.” The idea behind this phrase is that when people are in harmony with each other and their environment, they are more likely to be successful in their endeavors.

In recent years, the Dine’ has been working to re-establish their traditional way of life, which includes living in harmony with the land. This has involved reviving traditional farming practices, hunting and gathering techniques, and language.

Buddhist Mantra

Buddhist mantra : mantras in meditation
Buddhist mantra: mantras in meditation

A Buddhist mantra is a sacred utterance, typically in Sanskrit, that is meant to protect the mind and promote spiritual growth. The word “mantra” comes from the Sanskrit root man, which means “to think.” Mantras in meditation are often chanted or recited as a way of focusing the mind and achieving a state of concentration.

In some cases, they may also be written on scrolls or used as amulets. Buddhist mantras often invoke the Buddha, bodhisattvas, or other saints and deities. However, they can also be recited without any specific reference to a deity. Buddhist mantras can be considered mantras for anxiety as well. Ultimately, the goal of chanting a Buddhist mantra is to bring about a sense of peace and well-being.

21. Tayata Om Mantra 

The Tayata Om Mantra is a short phrase that is repeated many times in order to achieve a meditative state. The mantra is derived from Sanskrit, and it roughly translates to “I honor the world around me.” When repeated, the mantra helps to still the mind and promote a sense of peace.

The Tayata Om Mantra can be chanted aloud or repeated silently in the mind. It is often used as part of meditation practice, but it can also be used throughout the day as a way to find calm in the midst of chaos. Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, the Tayata Om Mantra can be a valuable tool for promoting inner peace.

22. Namo Thassa Mantra 

The Namo Thassa Mantra is an ancient Buddhist chant that has been used for centuries to invoke the power of the ocean. The mantra is said to be incredibly powerful, and it is believed that by chanting it, one can tap into the energy of the ocean itself.

The mantra goes like this: “Namo thassa, namo udake, namo lokesvaraya, namo buddhaya.” The chant can be repeated as many times as desired, and it is often used as part of meditation or yoga practice. The Namo Thassa Mantra is said to be particularly effective when chanted at sunrise or sunset when the sun’s energy is said to be strongest.

Whether you are looking to harness the power of the ocean or simply seeking a calming mantra to recite during your yoga practice, the Namo Thassa Mantra is an excellent choice.

23. Om Mani Padme Hum

The phrase “Om Mani Padme Hum” is a Tibetan Buddhist mantra that is often said to refer to the path of enlightenment. The words “Om Mani Padme Hum” can be translated to mean “Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus.”

The lotus flower is often seen as a symbol of purity and spiritual transformation, making it an appropriate analogy for the journey to enlightenment. In times of difficulty, repeating this mantra can help to bring peace and clarity. Whether you are a Buddhist or not, you can appreciate the power of this simple phrase, and its ability to provide comfort and hope in times of need.

24. Lokah Samastah Sukinoh Bhavantu

The Sanskrit saying Lokah Samastah Sukinoh Bhavantu translates to “may all beings everywhere be happy and free.” This phrase is used as a prayer and reminder of our interconnectedness. The belief that we are all connected is found in many spiritual traditions and teachings.

It is the core of what it means to be compassionate. When we realize that we are all part of the same whole, we naturally feel more compassion for others. We see that their happiness is our happiness, and their suffering is our suffering.

By working toward the welfare of others, we are ultimately working toward our own well-being. Lokah Samastah Sukinoh Bhavantu reminds us of this truth and inspires us to live in accordance with it.

25. So Hum

The ancient mantra So Hum is said to be the sound of the universe. In yoga, it is used as a tool for focus and concentration. The word “so” is usually chanted on the inhale, and “hum” is chanted on the exhale.

When these two sounds are combined, they create a powerful vibration that can help to still the mind and connect with the infinite. Some say that the mantra So Hum is a reminder that we are all connected to one another and to the divine source of all life.

Chakra Mantra

chakra meditation
chakra meditation

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel.” There are seven chakras located along the spine, starting at the base and moving up to the crown. Each chakra is associated with a different color, element, and quality.

The chakras are believed to be spinning wheels of energy that help to keep the body balanced and healthy. A chakra mantra is a powerful tool for aligning and balancing the chakras and is considered an easy mantra among mantras in meditation. The mantra is chanted aloud, and each repetition is thought to bring the chakras into alignment.

The chant can be done as often as needed, and there is no wrong way to do it. Simply repeating the mantra with intention can be enough to bring about positive change.

26. Muladhara Mantra

The Muladhara mantra is a powerful tool for accessing the energy of the Earth. This ancient Sanskrit formula is used to connect with the energy of the Earth Element, which is associated with the Muladhara or root chakra.

The Muladhara is the foundation of our being, and it is where we store our survival instincts and our sense of stability and security. The mantra helps to open and activate the Muladhara (root chakra), allowing us to tap into its power and use it to support our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

27. Swadhishana Mantra

The Swadhishana Mantra is a sacred chant that has been used for centuries to promote healing and wellbeing. The word “swadhishana” means “self- purification,” and the mantra is said to help cleanse the mind and body of negative energy.

The mantra is traditionally chanted three times a day, and it is believed to have the power to heal physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. The Swadhishana Mantra is also said to strengthen the immune system and promote detoxification.

In addition, the mantra is believed to increase clarity of thought, improve concentration, and boost creativity. Whether you are looking to heal an injury or illness, or simply seeking a deeper sense of well-being, the Swadhishana Mantra can be a powerful tool on your journey to wellness.

28. Manipura Mantra

The Manipura mantra is a powerful tool for self-transformation. This mantra can help to awaken the kundalini energy and bring about a state of balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.

The word “manipura” means ” jewelcity,” and the mantra is said to infuse the body with vital energy and strength. The mantra is also said to promote mental clarity and focus and to help one overcome fear and insecurity.

29. Anahata Mantra

The Anahata mantra is a powerful tool for self-healing and manifestation. The repetition of this sacred sound helps to quiet the mind and open the heart, creating space for love and healing to flow.

The Anahata mantra can be used to connect with the divine energy of the universe or to simply create more peace and harmony in your own life. The choice is yours. However you choose to use it, the Anahata mantra is a powerful tool for transformation.

30. Vishuddha

The Vishuddha chakra is located at the base of the throat and is associated with the element of ether. Its symbol is a blue lotus with 16 petals. The Vishuddha chakra is responsible for communication and self-expression.

When this chakra is balanced, we are able to express ourselves clearly and confidently. We feel confident in our decisions and are able to communicate our needs effectively.

When the Vishuddha chakra is out of balance, we may have trouble speaking up for ourselves or expressing our needs. We may also find it challenging to communicate clearly, leading to misunderstandings.


Mantras are a powerful way to focus your attention and connect with the divine. By using mantras in meditation, you can access a deep state of relaxation and peace. If you’re looking for more inner calmness, these mantras will definitely help. Select your mantra from the above list and start with meditation with mantras. Give them a try!

FAQs of Mantras in Meditation

What are the mantras for transcendental meditation?

Some of the most popular mantras used in transcendental meditation include “om,” “ah,” and “hum.”
Regular practice can help to reduce stress, increase mental clarity, and improve overall health and wellbeing.

What are the mantras for anxiety?

Some popular examples include “I amaze myself,” “I am enough,” and “I am love.” However, the most important thing is to choose a phrase that makes you feel calm and empowered. So, experiment until you find a mantra that works for you, and then use it as often as you need to in order to help ease your anxiety.

How do you meditate with mantras?

Once you have chosen a mantra, simply repeat it aloud or silently to yourself during your meditation practice. You may find that the repetition of the mantra helps to quiet your mind and bring a sense of calm to your body.

What are the benefits of meditation with mantras?

– A way of focusing and calming the mind.
– Helps to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment.
– Can be empowering and uplifting your life.
– Helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
– Meditation with mantras can be an effective way to promote mental health and well-being.

From where I can get a list of mantras with sounds?

You can listen to a list of mantras from the audio player at the top of this page.

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natalia miller

Natalia Miller

Learn about my passion for writing about mindfulness, relaxation, and spirituality. My hope is that by reading my content, you will be inspired to live a more peaceful and relaxed life.

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