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Meanings of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Exploring the Hidden Meanings of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Last Updated : September 29, 2023
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This written piece of information here unlocks the hidden meanings of transcendental meditation mantras that are used to give you next-level peace, enlightenment, and higher states of consciousness. Mantras are Sanskrit meaningless phrases or words that are used and repeated continuously for around 15 to 20 minutes in a single session of transcendental meditation.

Let us start with transcendental meditation and what productive effects transcendental meditation with mantras put on our body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Transcendental meditation is incomplete without mantras and mantras are something that differentiates TM meditation from others. TM mantras are something for you if you are looking to get to a higher level of contentment with a deeper consciousness state.
  • These mantras additionally to physical practice give ultimate relaxation and optimum focus.
  • Unlocking the hidden meaning behind transcendental meditation mantras here in this article with the details of transcendental meditation mantras meaning, the significance of TM mantras, how to use them, how to choose them, and what mantras are the most powerful mantras to give you next-level consciousness, awareness, and peacefulness.
  • Let’s look at the transcendental meditation mantra’s meaning and the details of every essential thing around this concept.

Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Transcendental meditation is an ancient practice in which the practitioner uses Sanskrit words or phrases. These are known as mantras to get to the next level of consciousness, peace, relaxation, and awareness. TM is not only beneficial for the inside of the human brain but also is beneficial to achieve greater benefits like next-level peace and serenity.

Transcendental meditation involves repeating the mantra for around 15 to 20 minutes twice a day while sitting in a peaceful site with your eyes closed. Since the last decade, TM practicing is one of the most abundantly occurring practices that is followed by most celebrities including stars and other famous people around the globe.

What do the TM mantras mean?

Transcendental meditation mantras are the words and phrases that are repeated during transcendental meditation practice. TM mantras sometimes sound like vibrations that are made with meaningless words and phrases to keep you distracted from your surroundings.

Since TM involves the state of deeper consciousness levels and transcendence so to achieve them you have to make sure that the mantra you are selecting is personal and belongs only to you. Mantras are selected based on gender, level of development, age, and what you want from transcendental meditation.

Well, unlike other meditation practices transcendental meditation is different in the context of mantra and has a different significance. Let us look at the significance and what is a mantra in the context of Transcendental Meditation.

Significance of TM mantras

maharishi mahesh yogi quote

According to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,

Mantra is a vehicle for the inward movement of the mind and that is a word that is used for its sound value only.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The founder of transcendental meditation is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and we have written a full article on his inspiring life.

The basic aim of using mantras in meditation practice is to achieve a deeper level of focus, attention, relaxation, and lightness and high status of comfort. Mantras divert attention and bring the mind to pure consciousness. Research has shown that transcendental meditation mantras have significantly benefited the overall mental and physiological health of the practitioner. The benefits of transcendental meditation mantras include,

Benefits of transcendental meditation
Benefits of transcendental meditation

Focus Attention And Mental Clarity

Maintenance of focus is quite difficult nowadays because of the tight schedules of daily life. In such a scenario, TM mantras help not only develop focused attention and concentration but also maximize mental clarity. They enable the practitioner to think about one specific point without any distractions. TM mantras ensure focus, concentration, serenity, and tranquility within and out.

Better Quality Of Sleep

Mantras help in controlling your breath and calming your mind during transcendental meditation practice. With regular practicing of transcendental meditation using mantras, you not only can get a better sleep quality but also can help your brain rejuvenate and repair the cells to tackle the struggles of every new day. Regular practicing of the TM mantra gives you deep relaxation and satisfaction when sleeping to keep you fully energized and fully prepared for the very next day.

Higher Self Awareness

With the proper practice of TM mantras, you can lead towards a greater sense of self-awareness. Researchers have found that those practicing TM meditation daily have a higher level of self-identity. This ultimately helps them develop mindfulness which is the ability to stay conscious without being judgemental of one’s feelings and thoughts. Self-awareness and mindfulness help the practitioner by providing both physical, psychological, and mental benefits.

Deeper Relaxation & Decrease Level Of Stress

Regular practicing of TM mantras and constant repetition not only relaxes your brain but also makes you ready to deal with tough days and nights. Meaning the reduced level of stress ultimately helps in the enhancement of mood and overall mental well-being. With TM mantras, you not only can achieve deeper relaxation and in-depth calmness but also can achieve the state of transcendence, meaning the state of supremacy and high spirituality.

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What Is A Mantra In The Context Of TM?

Mantra and Transcendental Meditation explained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Mantra is repeated by transcendental meditation practitioners to pause the current mental activity of thinking to get the best possible experience of deeper levels of contentment, creativity, life, and vitality.

The state of relaxation, the state of comfort, the state of supremacy!

You can experience the next level of peace and comfort while using a mantra in meditation. With a mantra in your meditation, you can experience betterment in all aspects including mental, emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of your life.

Is It Necessary To Use A Mantra In TM?

TM mantra importance

Using a mantra is one of the essential aspects of practicing transcendental meditation. Well, the mantra is the main point that differentiates transcendental meditation from other forms of meditation. Mantra is used to develop an in-depth level of concentration so that you can focus on your goals and can get to a deeper level of peace and serenity.

It increases your vitality, and creativity and gives you a higher contentment. Transcendental meditation involves the use of a mantra, where a mantra is a meaningless sound that assists the brain calms down the current action and thinking processes. Whereas on the other hand, the words and visualizations including phrases used in the meditation practices do have some meanings.

What Mantra To Use For Transcendental Meditation?

Selecting the mantra for transcendental meditation is easy but demands your attention and focus. Keep in mind mantras are no more than two words, they are meaningless and simple so that they do not distract you from your focus. Mantras that can be used for transcendental meditation should be meaningless and easy. They can be in the form of vibrations too.

Keep in mind, the mantra aims to settle down the brain’s current state activity into a peaceful condition. The sound of the mantra can be loud, it can be low, it depends on you. One thing that you have to keep in mind is that the TM mantra that you are using should help you develop awareness, transcendence, and high-stage deeper consciousness levels at one’s self. The mantra should trigger unbounded awareness; it should trigger the still state of mind with the next level of quietness and relaxation.

How do I choose my mantra for Transcendental Meditation?

There are lots and lots of transcendental meditation mantras that are used for ages. But only a few counts are available with known benefits. Selection of the transcendental meditation mantra depends totally on you, your gender, your age, and what is your aim to perform the transcendental meditation practice.

When it comes to selecting the mantra nothing is wrong, nothing is right. Select what you think is the best for you. Some of the most reliable mantras that are used widely are vowel sounds such as “OM” or “AUM”.

There is another very common and trustworthy transcendental meditation mantra in Sanskrit, the “So Hum”. The meaning of “So Hum” is “I am”. You also have the option of selecting the mantra from 3 of the main types of mantras that are specifically associated with particular achievements and objectives. These are,

Depending on your purpose and your need, you can select your mantra to feel easy and relaxed for a longer time. Plus, keep in mind that you are always free to alter your mantra. If you think that your first mantra has not given you the desired achievement and success, you can always shift it to another mantra. There is no harm in it.

It’s not always necessary to use the same mantra every time you meditate. As described above, choosing the mantra depends on your goal, so keep in mind what you want and select your mantra according to that.

What Is My Transcendental Mantra?

My mantra is the personal mantra of a person who is going to perform transcendental meditation. It is an acceptance and a meaningless word to inspire and motivate you to be your best and to reach a higher level of consciousness, affirmation, positivity, and enlightenment.

The most basic motivation of the personal mantra is to divert your attention, mainly to focus on your goals and achievements. Since mantras are meaningless words, there are no rights, no wrongs, you can select your mantra and can use it in your meditation depending upon your need, style of meditation, age, and what you want to gain from transcendental meditation.

Transcendental Meditation Mantras Meaning

Transcendental meditation mantra meanings

Mantras are meaningless phrases and words that are repeated again and again when practicing transcendental meditation. They increase focus in the mind and minimize irritability and distress. Different mantras have different meanings.

Each of them is different and is used for different purposes. We discuss the TM mantras list which contains 6 mantras that are used by most transcendental meditation practitioners to get the specific purposes in their life with advanced focus, attention, and concentration. Let’s look at the meanings of these mantras and why they are used.

Shirim Mantra Meaning

Shirim is a mantra used for females 30 to 45 years of age. The mantra is still used in transcendental meditation practice, unlike many other mantras. It is a one-syllable word and is said to be the ”seed mantra”. Shirim is the mantra of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi that is used for prosperity, wealth, grace, beauty, and abundance of money. It is used in transcendental meditation to trigger the divine energy of women’s meaning (Shakti). Shirim mantra meaning is wealth, health, prosperity, success, and divine beauty.

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Aing Mantra Meaning

Aing mantra is a mantra originally from Sanskrit that has now been modified and used in transcendental meditation as ing, in, ima, aing, inga, aima, and aing. It is for goddess Saraswati, who is said to be the Devi of music, fine arts, speech, and learning. Well, Aing is a transcendental meditation mantra that is used from 1987 to the present day for students between the age of 18 to 19 years.

Hirim Mantra Meaning

Hirim is a mantra that is a transcendental meditation mantra that is given to the transcendental meditator of age 40 to 45 years. This mantra has been used since 1987 to present times. Those students that are between the age of 40 to 44 can use this mantra in their TM practice. It is used for success and achievement in life.

Kirim Mantra Meaning

Kirim is another transcendental meditation mantra that is used by a practitioner who is between the age of 50 to 55 years. It belongs to Devi Kalika. This mantra is linked with the Hindu goddess who is the goddess of death, time, and empowerment.

Shiring Mantra Meaning

The shiring mantra is another powerful mantra used in transcendental meditation and it is said to be the mantra for wealth. It belongs to Mahalaxmi or Lakshmi devata which is called the Devi of wealth. If you are between the age of 24 to 30, you can select the Shiring mantra for your transcendental meditation practice. The mantra calms down the nervous system ultimately maximizing focus, and attention and minimizing negative emotions.

Hiring Mantra Pronunciation and Meaning

The hiring mantra is a powerful transcendental meditation mantra for practitioners who is between the age of 35 to 39 years. Correct pronunciation and understanding of the meaning of each mantra are essential to make the most of this ancient practice.

TM mantras pronunciation by transcendental meditation gurus

Mantras are not effective when they are not pronounced correctly. When it comes to TM mantra pronunciation, you should have a basic knowledge of what words are produced. Enlisted here are some of the facts about transcendental meditation mantra pronunciation, so you can pronounce it better and can get maximum benefits out of them.

How to chant mantras correctly by Sadhguru

TM Mantras Pronunciation : Basic Pronunciation Techniques

  1. When your mantra contains ”I”, it will be pronounced as we pronounce the “I” in the ring, sing, and wing.
  2. Similarly, when the mantra contains “A” it will be pronounced as we pronounce “A” in the Army.
  3. The “Ai” in any mantra will give you the same sound that ”I” gave in I’m.

When you pronounce some major transcendental meditation mantras, with these three basic techniques they will sound something like,

  • Liiiiiiiingaaaaaa…..
  • Aaaaaaaaenmaaaa…..
  • Shiiiiiaaaaaammmmm……….
  • Aiinnngggg Aiiiiiinnnnnggggg…….
  • Kiiiiiiirrrrrrrrriiiiimmm…Kiiiirrrrriiiimmmmm

Moreover, you can find further details about the pronunciation of transcendental meditation mantras concerning your age from the professional teacher who is teaching you the TM technique. The one who is providing you with mantras is the one that will let you know how to pronounce them, according to your age, at the time of initiation of the transcendental meditation.

Since age is an essential factor in practicing transcendental meditation, you cannot just randomly practice any of the mantras without looking at its pronunciation technique in relevance to age.

Can I use TM mantras exposed?

Normally it is not recommended to use exposed TM mantras because qualified TM teachers are involved to offer a personal mantra for you based on their experience. The intended effect of each mantra can be different from person to person. It is important to respect the traditions and guidelines of any meditation practice in order to receive its full benefits.

Personal Experiences With Using TM Mantras

Several famous personalities are using transcendental meditation mantras during their transcendental meditation practice, to get what they want. These celebrities have made it clear that regularly practicing TM has made them this much more confident, popular, and radiant. Hereby, we are focusing on four well-known celebrities with their personal experience with TM mantras and what they say about TM mantras practicing.

1. Lena Dunham

lena dunham quote

Lena Dunham is a multi-talented American actress who is 36 years old and is a famous actress in the HBO television series. With the award-winning acting, Lena Dunham says that she loves transcendental meditation and considers it a superpower to help her manage her anxiety and OCD issues. She says that with the use of the TM mantra she has defeated OCD complaints, anxiety, and stress.

According to her,

Mantra is a vehicle for the inward movement of the mind and that is a word that is used for its sound value only.”

Lena Dunham

2. Jennifer Lopez

jennifer lopez quote

Jennifer Lopez is a well-known, American, multi-talented, beautiful actress with highly skilled dancing skills and singing abilities. She has been working in the industry in America since 1991. Jennifer Lopez claims that she has been practicing transcendental meditation with the use of her mantra regularly. She says that she manages her stress level and copes with her anxiety because of TM’s mantras.

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According to her,

It is a series of repeating the same mantra as you sit there with your eyes closed for 20 minutes. What winds up happening is a cleansing of the extra thoughts, anxiety, emotions, and feelings that are bothering you.

Jennifer Lopez

3. Giselle Bundchen

giselle bundchen quote

She is a Brazilian fashion model who is said to be one of the highest-paid models in the entertainment industry with the tag of being the 16th richest woman. She checks all the boxes of the “if only” game. Most of us spend our lives in “if only” games. If only I was more beautiful, if only I was more successful, if only I was happily married, if only I had more money, if I had more children, etc etc.

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But Giselle Bundchen ticks all the boxes in this regard. With her happy, busy, and superb lifestyle, according to her, the only place she found peace is within. She says practicing transcendental meditation via mantras is the only way to stay in touch with the inner core.

According to her,

Meditation has been a great tool for me in my life. It helps to quiet my mind and helps me see things more clearly. It brings a sense of peace to my day.”

Giselle Bundchen

4. Ramani Ayer

ramani ayer quote

Ramani Ayer is an American Indian business executive with an insurance career. He is the CEO of “The Hartford Group”. He has around 100 companies of his own. According to him, he learned transcendental meditation while studying in the USA. Then he learned the advanced techniques of TM Sidhi programs too.

According to him,

In terms of my personal life, TM meditation has helped me to consistently raise my performance levels. It has helped me cope with the stresses and strains of life. And I believe very strongly that the practice of meditation has helped me to maintain a steady state of mind. It has given me equanimity, no matter what happens.”

Ramani Ayer

Are TM Mantras Secret?

Transcendental meditation mantras are personal and different from each other so the meditators instruct the practitioners to ensure that their mantra is personal and is only to their awareness. This maximizes the results of mantras and makes them wholly yours to help you reach a higher level of consciousness and tranquility. Although the mantras have no meanings yet should be kept a secret as for most practitioners they are the secret path, helping them achieve their goals.

TM Mantras For Beginners

Transcendental meditation is a meditation technique that is used to free up your mind from the clutter to live in the real present world with next-level consciousness and current activity in your brain. The TM mantras that are made for beginners are the mantras that help them to clarify their minds to achieve the goals that they have in their minds while staying relaxed, spiritually connected, patient, and content. The best meditation books can help beginners to get an overview of transcendental meditation.

The common transcendental meditation mantras used for beginners are those that make them comfortable, easy, and thoroughly focused. They can go with Sat Nam, Om Namah Shivaya, and Aham Prema. Moreover, those who are just starting with transcendental meditation should always select their mantra with the help of their teacher.

One thing that you have to keep in mind while starting with transcendental meditation is to try your best to get the service from a professional TM teacher. This helps you in getting the best outcomes and benefits. Moreover, always receive your mantra from a fully professional transcendental meditator.

Final Thoughts

Transcendental meditation is incomplete without mantras and mantras are the basic building block of Transcendental Meditation. If you are looking to achieve greater levels of transcendence, consciousness, and unlimited awareness, you are always free to perform transcendental meditation with mantras daily. Moreover, learning about meditation mantras’ meaning tells what mantra you should choose and what mantra is adequate for you.

I have tried to explain the significance of TM mantras and what are the common meditation mantras that are widely used to get the most benefits. Meditation with mantra has lots of benefits and provides better mental clarity and health. These mantras give you a reason to resonate toward your Aura level to find peace and get what you want. Read, so you can get to know what should be your mantra and how to get the most out of it.

FAQs on Meanings of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

What if I get the wrong mantra?

No mantra is right or wrong if performed correctly. You can never get the mantra wrong if you are taught by a qualified transcendental meditation teacher. Make sure that you are taking lessons and learning transcendental meditation from a professional transcendental meditator. It’s a natural process so it will work out

Which mantra is powerful?

Om is said to be the king of all mantras. It is said to be the sound of the universe and is one of the simplest and unarguably the most powerful mantras ever used in Hinduism. It develops the brain and helps in reaching intensified levels of relaxation and calmness. OM mantra comes with a dominant environmental effect and works in a better way when performed in a group.

Is the OM mantra considered a TM mantra?

Well OM is not reliable to be used when performing transcendental meditation mantra practice. This is because not every sound will work as you want. The TM mantras assist the practitioner to develop deeper integrity between the external environment and inner silence. Whereas OM comes with an obvious environmental effect that is not reliable to be used as a personal mantra.

Are all TM mantras the same?

Different sounds and vibrations and mantras have different effects on your brain and body. Not all the mantras are the same in their effects. These are different sounds and different vibrations, and help you in different ways to develop focus and inner peace in yourself. Moreover, thousands of transcendental meditation mantras exist and are all different from each other and are known to produce different effects on yourself.

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natalia miller

Natalia Miller

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Learn about my passion for writing about mindfulness, relaxation, and spirituality. My hope is that by reading my content, you will be inspired to live a more peaceful and relaxed life.



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