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Bob Roth Meditation Article

The unrevealed secrets of Bob Roth Meditation

Last Updated : September 29, 2023
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Bob Roth is a world-renowned transcendental meditation teacher who has been teaching meditation for more than 4 decades. Today we explore in-depth details of this wonderful person and his meditation technique called Bob Roth Meditation.

Bob Roth Bio

Bob Roth was born on 10th October 1950 in Washington DC, USA. His father was Dr. Merall Roth worked as a radiologist and his mother was Susan Roth was a teacher. He has three siblings in the family including a sister and two brothers.

He completed studies at Redwood High School, California, and graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. But he is famous as a transcendental meditation teacher because of his meditation teaching to thousands of people and his amazing public talks.

Now, David Lynch serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the David Lynch Foundation, a non-profit organization that works to bring Transcendental Meditation to youth and veterans. He is also the Executive Director of the Center for Leadership Performance, a consulting firm that specializes in developing effective leadership and management skills.

Through these positions, David strives to bring positive change to individuals, organizations, and communities worldwide.

Bob Roth Learns Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is a form of mantra-based meditation and helps to make your mind calmer and achieve a deep relaxation state called transcendence. This type of meditation has proven benefits in both mental and physical wellness including reduced stress and anxiety, improved focus, lowering blood pressure, and many more benefits.

Berkeley TM center was his first learning resource for Transcendental meditation in 1969 and he was lucky to learn TM from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Spain during his semester off. Then became a transcendental meditation teacher after a short time of 6 months.

Bob has taught transcendental meditation for more than 40 years to thousands of students from the day he came to a teacher to the present day. Now is the most experienced transcendental meditation teacher in America and taught meditation to almost every section of society including veterans, people who suffer from post-traumatic stress-related disorders, women, and children who are survivors of domestic violence, and even celebrities.

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The highlighted work of Bob Roth

As the CEO of the David Lynch Foundation for consciousness–based education and World Peace, Bob has made it his mission to help people everywhere discover the power of meditation to reduce stress and live a more peaceful life.

While being the director of the center for leadership performance, Bob introduces meditation to Fortune 100 companies, nonprofit charity organizations, and government organizations.

SiriusXM radio show: ‘Success without a stress’

He hosts a monthly radio talk named ‘Sucess without a Stress’ on the SiriusXM radio show and invited the most prominent mediators in America and celebrities who practice the TM and discuss the practice of transcendental meditation and its influence on their life and development.

Here are a few of the celebrities who joined the program.

  • David Lynch, -The chairman of the David Lynch Foundation
  • Hugh Jackman – Award-winning actor
  • Jerry Seinfeld – Producer, and Actor
  • Lena Dunham – Author, and Screenwriter
  • Ringo Starr – Legendary Musician
  • Russell Brand – Comedian, Actor, and author
  • Dr. Norman Rosenthal – a world-renowned psychiatrist
  • Tom North – Author

Bob is a host of the podcast ‘Stay calm with Bob Roth‘ on iHeartRadio.

Bob Roth’s Featured Talks

He has provided beneficial talks regarding the art of medicine to high-ranking figures at meetings such as Google Zeitgeist, Aspen Brain Conference, Wisdom 2.0 Summit, Aspen Ideas Festival, Global Wellness Summit, and more.

Watch a few of the featured talks

Google Zeitgeist Vimeo Video Link

Aspen Ideas Festival YouTube Link

Aspen Brain Conference YouTube Link

Wisdom 2.0 YouTube Link

TV shows and Printed Meda

For more than forty years, he has been at the forefront of using Transcendental Meditation to help people overcome physical illness, anxiety, and addictions – all with life-changing results. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and on major television broadcasts including ABC News, CBS This Morning, and Good Morning America.

Bob Roth’s transcendental meditation Books

1. Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation

Strength in Stillness The Power of Transcendental Meditation

This amazing book had become the New York Times Bestseller book because of its high popularity in transcendental meditation and the famous meditation teacher and author Bob Roth. 

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The readers of the book have the great opportunity to know how to tap our inner power through step-by-step practicing transcendental meditation and the secrets of this meditation technique.

It also describes the way of changing our life to become free from stress and anxiety and improve inner peace within our lives.

What readers are telling about this book?

A master class that makes transcendental meditation accessible to everyone. I love Bob Roth, I love meditation and I love this book.

Arianna Huffington

  I can’t say enough about Bob Roth and transcendental meditation, Stillness, true stillness, of both mind and body, is a gift.

Michael J.Fox

2. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Transcendental Meditation.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Transcendental Meditation

This book provides a short introduction to transcendental meditation and its proven benefits. The structured way of the book helps the reader to quickly navigate through chapters and grab the interesting facts on meditation.

We have posted a dedicated post for the best books on transcendental meditation.

Bob Roth Daily Meditation Classes

Bob Roth Daily Meditation

There is a collaboration with TM connect and Bob Roth to provide daily online transcendental mediation for a group of people. This helps to support the daily meditation practice of the practitioners who are already completed their TM course.

TM practitioners can connect with online meditation practice by phone or zoom in audio format twice per day in the morning and evening. Bob Roth is the host for each call which lasts around 20 minutes.

In addition, Bob shares his experience on TM, more depth knowledge of the Trasncental meditation technique and how the brain works after meditation, and valuable tips to balance your life and improve the overall quality of life.

Visit the link to get more details

Awards for Meditation Teacher Bob Roth

Bob received the Disruptor Award for the innovative work he has done at David Lynch Foundation in 2015. As the executive director of the David Lynch Foundation, Bob could able to promote and expand the use of transcendental meditation to over 500,000 people including school students, veterans who are suffering from stress, and victims of domestic violence. 

In addition, he launched several initiative programs to give support to the high-risk population of post-traumatic stress (PTSD) in the USA such as front-line healthcare workers, policemen, firefighters, and people living with AIDS.

Bob Roth Meditation YouTube 

He explains the TM technique in a very detailed and explanatory way in one of his Youtube videos. He urges the necessity of this kind of effortless, easy-to-learn meditation technique for stressed and unhappy people living the today’s busy world.

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Bob Roth Meditation Podcasts

Bob has a great ability to explain the facts and process of transcendental meditation in nicely and smooth way to the listeners and make a good interconnection with readers. Because of this amazing skill, he was invited by numerous podcasts to share his experience and vast knowledge of meditation.

Here are a few of the podcasts with the links that he joined, we would like to invite you to join and grab the interesting facts.

  1. The FitMind Post Cast: The science of Transcendental Meditation Apple Podcast Link

2. iHeartPodcasts: Stay calm with Bob Roth

3. The RichRoll Podcast: Meet meditation Legend Bob Roth Podcast Link

4. The Youest You Podcast: The secret of Stillness with Bob Roth

5. Calmer You Podcast: The power of meditation  Podcast Link

Popular Quotes from Bob Roth

We learned the unique mechanics of the TM practice and the role of this meditation for unfolding the seemingly limitless creativity and intelligence within the human mind, as well as its ability to address effectively many of society’s intractable ills. Most importantly, Maharishi taught us the simple yet precise technique of how to personally teach any individual to transcend

Bob Roth
Bob Roth Quotes
Bob Roth Quotes

Final Thoughts

Bob Roth is a very experienced transcendental meditation teacher who thought meditation to millions of people all over the world and currently serves as the CEO of the David Lynch Foundation. His meditation technique is the one of most effective and lasting ways to meditate and calm your mind and achieve a higher level of stillness.

If you are looking for a way to improve your life quality and live away from stress and depression, I would like to suggest you start transcendental meditation. Bob Roth is a good resource to ignite your journey since he has a vast knowledge of transcendental meditation and experience in teaching meditation.

There are plenty of resources online including Bob Roth’s videos and podcasts and meditation books written by him too.

FAQS on Bob Roth Meditation

Does Bob Roth still teach transcendental meditation?

He is still doing transcendental meditation and teaching meditation through the David Lynch Foundation. 

Where does Bob Roth live?

He lives in New York, US. 

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